Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)

Coverage that picks up where your auto insurance leaves off.

Low-cost protection can reduce your financial burden.

Traditional auto insurance has its purpose. But often, it won't fully  compensate you if your car is stolen or damaged beyond repair. GAP coverage can make up the shortfall.

Affordable addition to auto insurance

Easy monthly payments

90-day trial period

Look at it this way: Guaranteed Asset Protection costs only $499, which is less than one monthly payment on many vehicles

Read the fine print: Most insurers will compensate you only for the actual market value of any car that's stolen or can't be repaired. Since vehicles lose value quickly over time, that amount may be less than you still owe on your auto loan. GAP makes up the difference between the vehicle's value and your loan balance. That can end up saving you hundreds - or even thousands - of dollars.

  • General Asset Protection available for just $499
  • Amount can be rolled into your auto loan and paid off on a monthly basis
  • Purchase GAP when you apply for your loan or at any time during life of loan
  • 90-day trial period - you can cancel at that point at no cost

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The products offered are not federally insured, are not obligations of the credit union, and are not guaranteeed by the credit union or any affiliated entity.