ID theft occurs when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud. Suffolk Credit Union is committed to safeguarding your information. You play a key role as well.

Don't get reeled in by online phishing scams.
When setting passwords for your personal accounts, be sure to use sequences that are long, complex and unique.
First and foremost, please do not disclose any personally identifying information if requested from an unsolicited email, text message or phone call that may seem like it’s been sent by Suffolk Credit Union. This includes:
- Account information
- Social Security number
- Mother’s maiden name
- Online Banking access code
- Account access code
- ATM card PIN
- Credit card number, expiration date or PIN
The questions may seem reasonable to answer, but Suffolk Credit Union never requests information in this manner. This is considered “phishing.” We utilize various measures to protect your privacy and understand your security concerns. Please contact Suffolk Credit Union about any such solicitation immediately or simply delete. Do not open. For more information, read our Privacy Policy.
Update (and Protect) Your Passwords
When setting passwords for your personal credit union accounts, be sure to use sequences that are long, complex and unique. The best passwords often have the following characteristics:
- 7 to 20 characters long
- Upper and lower case letters
- Non-consecutive numbers
- Special characters
Helpful Resources
- Get to know the basics at
- Think you may be a victim of identity theft? Be sure to take these steps.